2017 Combine Information
By: Ed Weaver / March 30, 2017
The 2017 District IV Combine returns to Loyalsock High School on Wednesday, May 31.
Tentative Schedule
4:00 - 5:30 p.m. - Registration and testing (height, weight, reach) - Field House
5:30 - 5:45 p.m. - Meeting of Athletes and Coaches - Bleachers
5:45 - 5:50 p.m. - Move to the Field
5:50 - 6:00 p.m. - Group Flexibilities/Form Running - Field
6:00 p.m. - Conclusion
Testing Stations
Players will be broken into groups based on registration numbers.
Station 1A - 20/40 Yard Dash
Station 1B - 20/40 Yard Dash
Station 2 - Bench Press
Station 3 - Vertical Jump
Station 4 - Broad Jump
Station 5 - Pro Shuttle
College Recruiters
Thank you for attending and we hope this camp will be useful in evaluating District IV athletes. You are welcome to come down to the field in order to gain access to athletes and coaches.
High School Coaches
Thank you for your hard work and cooperation as you make this camp the success it is. All coaches are expected to participate in an event.
Parents and Fans
Your support of our student athletes is very essential to the entire football community. We do ask that you remain outside the field fencing, but may certainly move throughout the facility outside of the fencing. The announcers will be moving the groups from stations in a clockwise fashion broken into 5 groups for clean movement of athletes. There will be restroom facilities available as well as a concession stand for snacks and refreshments. Gatorade is not allowed on the playing field.
We wish you the best of luck with the upcoming season. Represent yourself, your team, and your community always in a positive way.
Ed Weaver is the owner of Circle W Sports in Wellsboro, PA, is the Sports Director for The Home Page Network and the creator of WellsboroAthletics.com and WellsboroFootball.com. You can follow him on Twitter or friend him on Facebook.