Summer Dates
By: Ed Weaver / June 6, 2019
Athens, Danville, and Loyalsock are hosting events this summer for teams to compete at.
Athens is hosting two open field 7-on-7's. The first one is on June 30 and the second on July 14. No score, no timed downs, and no cost. Both will start at 5:30 p.m.
Danville is hosting a 7-on-7, lineman challenge, and fire truck pull on July 20. Cost is $75.
If interested in both, please contact Jack Young at Athens (ackyoung@athensasd.org, 607-738-6929) and Jim Keiser at Danville (jkeiser@danville.k12.pa.us, 570-594-2937).
Also - Loyalsock is hosting on 7-on-7 on June 20 from 1-6 p.m. Cost is $50 per team. For more information contact Justin Van Fleet at Loyalsock (jvanfleet@loyalsocklancers.org, 570-220-0891).
Ed Weaver is the owner of Circle W Sports in Wellsboro, PA, is the Sports Director for The Home Page Network and the creator of WellsboroAthletics.com and WellsboroFootball.com. You can follow him on Twitter or friend him on Facebook.